In January 2023, all Ventura County law enforcement agencies and the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office joined together with federal law enforcement partners to create the Ventura County Fentanyl Overdose and Crimes Units (VC FOCUS). The primary mission of this task force is to combat fentanyl-related crimes and opioid overdoses by targeting the supply chain of individuals and criminal organizations responsible for the sales of these drugs into Ventura County.
VC FOCUS agencies are active members of COAST Ventura County, collaborating in data collection and informed strategies. In addition, the task force works to identify current trends of abuse among the younger population, and shares messaging to educate the community at large on the lethal danger of fentanyl and this epidemic.
The public may contact investigators from VC FOCUS at (805) 383-8700 or VCFOCUS@ventura.org.
A medication lock box is a secure container that ensures medicine is only accessible to the prescription holder and will help reduce accidental overdose or misuse of medication. Lock boxes can be used by anyone and encouraged for any household where children live or visit.
Any box or container that requires a key or combination lock should suffice to keep medications safely stored.