Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE) provided two secondary schools with support in prescription drug and heroin prevention education measures. The outreach campaign targeted high-school age youth, to impact awareness, prescription drug use and intended behaviors. The campaign consisted of graphic novels and posters developed with input from youth focus groups.
The project demonstrates changes in perception of harm, increased awareness of known risks, and associated levels of drug use. Parent brochures in Spanish and English provide families with tips on identifying and understanding painkiller and heroin abuse. Evaluation was initiated to measure the goal of a 25% reduction in 30-day opioid use.

Engaging Youth at Schools: Student Assistance Programs

BRRIIM, the Brief Risk Reduction Interview and Intervention Model, is an early intervention model for youth starting to struggle with behavioral issues that include alcohol,marijuana, tobacco and other drugs, violence, and other barriers to learning. It has been used successfully in California for over 20 years. The BRRIIM process identifies the individual and family strengths and resources, then customizes the prevention plan to meet their needs and priorities.
Learn more at Student Assistance Programs.
Outreach to Youth and Parents: BRITE
BRITE is a Prevention Services contractor and a program of the nonprofit organization, Reality Improv Connection, Inc. (RICI). RICI's mission is to promote health and well-being through the Arts. BRITE stands for Building Resilience and Inclusion Through Engagement and focuses on prevention education and on supporting youth and young adults, ages 12-25. Programs include alcohol, drug and tobacco prevention education. They offer many popular workshops for middle schools, high schools, colleges and youth groups.
Learn more at BRITE.